Squirrels In and Around Your Northern Virginia Home – Here’s Why

Squirrels are cute, cheery and outright pleasant to watch run and play around when they’re not anywhere near our home.   However, sometimes squirrels become so comfortable with being around us humans, they invite themselves to move into the attics and basements of our homes; not providing any evidence of them living there – at least, not until we see what they leave behind.

The biggest indicator of a squirrel finding your home a ‘comfortable’ shelter in which to live is if you hear any weird noises that might sound like something crawling around in your walls or in your attic (if you have one).

Other reasons why you might hear them rummaging about your home include:

Chewed Holes Around Your Home

Squirrels are very likely to chew their way into a home, especially if their point of entry interests them enough. So, you might find these chewed holes littered around the exterior of your home, usually in places where they can easily access the inside to access possible shelter or food.

Squirrel Claw Marks Around Your Home

If there are chewed through or exposed points of entry in your home, you’re likely to see greasy or sharp claw marks around those areas. That could indicate that the squirrels have been traveling through that particular entry way for some time.

Droppings In and Around Your Home

One of the tell-tale signs of any creature getting into your home happens to involve encountering their droppings. Squirrel droppings, in particular, are said to be brown, oval and about a half-inch long; if you see these droppings nearby their entryways or in your attic, they might be in your home rummaging in food.

Damage to Your Home’s Structure (wood) and/or Insulation

Most of the time, squirrels will chew, scratch and claw their way into a place. So, they’ll naturally chew through any part of your home to access the interior of the place. You’ll likely find this damage near their entry points.  When you do find damage, it’s time to contact a wildlife control expert.

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