Nuisance Wildlife Removal in Alexandria City, Virginia

The Master Trapper, Inc., offer top-rated services for nuisance wildlife removal, emergency services, animal exclusion services, dead animal removal and animal clean-up services in Alexandria City, Virginia.

We remove nuisance wildlife from your home or office using high-grade exclusion materials to help ensure the animals are gone permanently.

We offer exclusion of squirrels, raccoons, bats, foxes, snakes, beavers, groundhogs, possums, skunks, voles, dead animals, and animal cleanup on your property.

Alexandria City Virginia (703) 973-3929

Possums can be noisy, destructive, and even a little bit aggressive

Signs You Have a Possum Problem on Your Northern Virginia Property

| Animal Trapping, Opossum, Possum, Wildlife Control | No Comments

If you are dealing with a possum problem on your property, you’re going to want to take the necessary steps to do everything and anything you can to eliminate it…

Squirrels can be adorable but also carry disease

4 Ways to Solve Your Squirrel Problem in Your Northern Virginia Home

| Animal Trapping, Squirrel, Wildlife Control | 3 Comments

If you have been dealing with a squirrel problem in your home here in Northern Virginia, you probably have begun to feel at your wits end and are likely more…

Skunks use their odor for protection - skunk striped visit property signs master trapper wildlife control expert help

Skunk Problem on Your Northern Virginia Property? When to Hire a Professional

| Animal Trapping, Skunks, Wildlife Control | One Comment

“Oh boy, a skunk!” said nobody ever. These animals may very well deserve your respect but you do not deserve the torture of smelling their stench or putting up with…

Foxes - Destination Wildlife Control - The Master Trapper

3 Reasons Why Foxes Return to Your Northern Virginia Home

| Animal Trapping, Foxes, Wildlife Control | One Comment

Your home is probably quite a beautiful place, especially if you live in northern Virginia. Then it only makes sense that certain species of wildlife might find your property just…