Wildlife Nuisances – 5 Conditions that invite them to your northern Virginia home

Nuisance Wildlife - Destination Wildlife Control - The Master Trapper

Wildlife home invaders are a constant nuisance in the northern Virginia area.  Thankfully, there’s something you can do about it.  Here are five conditions around your home that may invite those unwanted guests over, and stop invading wildlife from a-calling.

Trash Cans

This is the first, and should be the most obvious, condition for long-term wildlife nuisances.  If you have open or exposed garbage cans, you may as well be broadcasting to the animal world that your home is officially the new Wildlife Bed and Breakfast.  Keep those cans covered at all times, and especially at night.


There are definite do’s and don’ts when it comes to vegetation on your property.  Some of us love to garden and, indeed, in this economy there’s nothing so cost-effective and fulfilling as growing your own home-grown apples or tomatoes.  That being said, you’re not the only one who’s liable to think this vegetation is a great source for food.  Be sure that there are deterrents near your crops if you have any in your garden, and also keep an eye out for any stray or unwanted vegetation or debris on or around your property.


If you see a raccoon nest, squirrel nest, termite mound, or other sign of entrenched animal life in or around your property, you’ll want to have that removed immediately.

Standing Water

Pools of water is not just a potential property risk, but it can attract certain kinds of animals to your home.  What’s more, this type of water also breeds bacteria and can be a breeding ground for mosquitoes and other undesirable pests.

Wildlife Hand Outs

It should go without saying, but intentionally feeding the local wildlife is a dream for them and a nightmare for you.  Be assured—if you feed them, they will come…and bring their friends, extended family, and a whole host of pest-related problems along with them as well.

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